Saturday, December 20, 2014

Denise Grover Swank's new must read!

This fantastic book is available on January 21st for all readers! I was one of a few lucky readers to be able to read the ARC!

First let me say this, Denise has the ability to give you characters in her books that you love, you laugh with and connect with. This new series is no different.

This book had me laughing (sometimes so hard I had tears), holding my breath hoping for things to go a certain way, and loving the twist and turns along the way.  Not that I didn't love the main characters but I have to say Gram is the best, I just loved that lady!

After a horrible break up with a cheating ex 6 weeks before, Megan is going home to tell her mother there will be no wedding only days before the actual wedding date. From the moment she gets on the plane fate has a different ending for her.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Series to read!

In the last few weeks I have gotten a few friends to read the Bluegrass Brothers/Bluegrass series by Kathleen Brooks. I think you all well love it as well, there is some action, romance, and comedy all in the series.
Eeach book has characters from a small town where everyone knows everything, gossip is flowing and bets are placed. The Rose sisters are sure to make you laugh, you will fall in love with the characters, and hope they find the love they are looking for.
 There are several books in the series and when you finish one you will want the next be sure to check this one out for sure!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another Rose book

Rose and Helena save Christmas
This book has two authors Denise and Jana, I have read every book that Denise Grover Swank has available at this point. This was a good read and actually has me checking out a new to me author Jana DeLeon. In the last few days I have wanted to start one of her books but not had any luck tomorrow I can start the book.

I love books of all kinds, if you have a book that you love that is available on Kindle please share the name with me. I love to read and I am running low on books!

If you like free books check out the site this site gives you names and links for books on sale or for free for several different reading devices. Do you have a go to site you look on for books? I would love feedback about sites you use.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Looking forward to this book! If you have not read a Denise Grover Swank book you are missing out! 
I would start with the Rose Gardner series, you will be hooked on the mischief that she gets herself into and also you will love to see what happens next in her life. You will also get swet up in her love life, do you become Team Joe or Team Mason? 
The new series is going to be a spectacular looking forward to it!

Nothing like a good book and a blanket during a cold winter day!